Make Fake FB Account in 1 Min Without Mobile and email


Facebook is most popular Social Networking Website in world. Facebook signup process is most secure now those days. You need one mobile number or email for create user account on Facebook Website. 

Make Fake FB Account in 1 Min Without Mobile and email

But in this post I give you a trick , make fake account without email and mobile number  in just 1 min. This trick is awesome guyz because you don't need any email and mobile number for facebook sign up process.


This facebook trick is done my disposal email service.

Make Fake FB Account without email and Mobile Number in Just 1 Min

1. ) Open (10 min is disposal email website)

2.  ) In 10min website,this website give you a temporary email, copy this email.
fake fb acccount

3. ) Open ,fill up the form and paste email in email section.
4. ) Click on Sign Up ,your account will we created on facebook.
fake fb acccount

5. ) Go to 1) tab and refresh the page ,now you see a mail come from facebook ,open that email click on confirm now button and your fake facebook account process is completed.
fake fb acccount

Now with this trick you make verified fake facebook account without and email and Number.


Do not use this trick for any illegal purpose.


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